Columbia FFA
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Junior FFA

Columbia-Brazoria Jr. FFA Membership and Dues 

Jr. FFA membership is open to Columbia-Brazoria ISD students that are in grades 3-8 that are not in an Ag Science course. Dues for Junior Members will be $25.00 and includes your Chapter t-shirt. Joining the Columbia-Brazoria Jr. FFA allows the member to participate in local meetings as well as showing at county and major livestock shows under the supervision of the Ag Science teachers. Since they are not enrolled in a high school Ag Science class they are not allowed to participate in LDE’s that are sponsored by the Texas FFA. Columbia-Brazoria Jr. FFA members will be considered active and remain active FFA members as long as they pay their dues and attend both the first FFA meeting and three additional meetings during the year, including the annual awards banquet. 



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